45th CIBE Congress – 15-18 May 2018
Handelsbeurs, Kouter 29, 9000 Ghent, BELGIUM
Download the provisional programme
Tuesday 15 May
12:30 | Welcome lunch open to CIBE delegates only
14:00 | CIBE General Assembly open to CIBE delegates only
18:30 | Opening Cocktail at Ghent City Hall, Botermarkt 1, 9000 Gent open to all delegates and Accompanying persons
Wednesday 16 May
09:00 | Opening Session and Welcome speeches
09:30 | The beet sugar sector in Belgium
10.30 | Plenary Session 1 – The days after: end of quotas and the position of beet growers in the sugar supply chain
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | Plenary Session 2 – How to manage market volatility and risks in the EU beet sector?
16:00 | Plenary Session 3 – What should we expect from trade and from world markets?
18.00 | Visit of the city of Ghent open to all delegates and Accompanying persons
| Free evening
Thursday 17 May
09:00 | Plenary Session 4 – Sustainability of sugar beet: how to respond to the expectations posed by the civil society?
10.30 | Plenary Session 5 – How to further gain in beet productivity?
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | Plenary Session 6 – Sugar beet and the EU Bioeconomy: what future?
17:30 | Closing Session Vote on Resolutions and Closing speech
19:30 | Cocktail and Gala Dinner invitation of CBB to celebrate its 50th anniversary and the 80th anniversary of its coordinating committees – Ghent Opera, Schouwburgstraat 3, 9000 Gent open to all delegates and Accompanying persons
Friday 18 May
09:00 | Technical Visit at ILVO, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Caritasstraat 39, 9090 Melle open to all delegates and Accompanying persons
12:00 | Lunch at ILVO
14:00 | Departure of the CIBE buses from ILVO to Zaventem airport and Ghent city center
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